Late spring in New York

And New Jersey.

I would very much like to head up to NJ/NY for a visit sometime in early June, after religious school is over, and between busy times in my new job.

I would also very much like to see a show or three. I’m a huge Sondheim fan and would like to see Company. I’ve also never seen The Fantasticks and would like to. I’m also interested in Avenue Q, Wicked, and damn, I’ve seen Les Miz three times already, one more couldn’t hurt… nah. I’d rather see one I’ve never seen. Which is all of the others.

I also want to have lunch or dinner at Katz’s. And maybe spend some time in the Village.

So. Who’s up for dinner and a show sometime in June? I have to check my work schedule, but I really, really, really need to get back north. I have developed far too much of a twang since I moved to Richmond. I don’t say “sale.” I say “say-ull.” I need to be helped out of my twang. I don’t mind talking southern when necessary (and it always comes out when I’m talking to someone older or someone who had a pronounced southern accent), but really. I’ve lived nearly my entire life in the northeast, dammit, I’m going to die with a NJ accent if I have anything to say about it.

I love New York in June… how about you?

Update: And I have a date. My nephew’s concert is June 6. I will be there.

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5 Responses to Late spring in New York

  1. chsw says:

    You obviously have not lived in the really deep south if you can say “sale” with only two syllables.


  2. segacs says:

    Avenue Q = fantastic show. Well worth it.

    I heart New York. I miss New York.

  3. Rahel says:

    So do I. Oh, so do I.

  4. The Doctor says:

    Speaking as a Texan in exile, I must advise you to not refer to the city where we live as “the South.” We are north of the Red River here.

    And the only thing wus thayn a city o’ Yankees is a city o’ Yankees what are in denayal about bein’ Yankees. Them’s the wustest kind…

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    On the other hand, Meryl, if you come to Detroit you can go home with a t-shirt that reads: “I’m So Tough I Vacation in Detroit.”

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