The apartheid canard: The floodgates are open

Thanks to Jimmy Carter, the world is going to push the “apartheid” canard onto Israel as often and as loudly as possible, starting with the UN Human Wrongs Council, the group which has managed to do almost nothing but condemn Israel since its inception.

An independent expert told the U.N. human rights council on Thursday that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is comparable to apartheid.

John Dugard, a South African investigator on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said that “anyone who experienced apartheid has a sense of deja vu when visiting the OPT (Occupied Palestinian Territories).”

Dugard, a lawyer who campaigned against apartheid in the 1980s, presented his findings on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories to the 47-nation council, which commissioned the report last year.

The AP does mention that the Human Wrongs Council is a joke that only seems to criticize Israel, but not until after the three to five paragraphs that show up in most newspapers “World” sections. This is paragraph six:

The one-year-old council has so far only passed resolutions critical of one country Israel. Muslim countries have proposed three further resolutions for the current session of the council that condemn the actions of the Jewish state.

And later in the article, we have the Jimmy Carter defense for using the word “apartheid.”

Dugard’s account of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians echoes that of former President Carter’s most recent book, “Palestine: Peace not Apartheid.” The work drew widespread condemnation in Israel and the United States and prompted 14 advisory board members of Carter’s foundation to resign.

Dugard said that he had previously refrained from using the term apartheid “on account of the sensitivity of the issue.”

But the uproar over Carter’s book “and the serious attempts to impugn his integrity, particularly in the United States, has led me to reconsider this decision,” Dugard said.

Of course, this is exactly what Jimmy Carter had hoped for.

“Can it seriously be denied that such acts are committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over another racial group,” Dugard said.

Yes, you effing moron, because Jews are not a racial group. Neither are palestinians. But please, don’t let facts get in the way of your JewIsrael-hatred.

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One Response to The apartheid canard: The floodgates are open

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    John Dugard, a South African investigator on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said that “anyone who experienced apartheid has a sense of deja vu when visiting the OPT (Occupied Palestinian Territories).”

    Technically this is correct. However, the sense of deja vu is caused by the Moslem Arab treatment of all minorities within their control such as the Christian Arabs (who are fleeing the terrortories [sic] en masse).

    Why is Israel blamed? Because it was Israel that set up this situation by putting the terrorists in charge and refusing to admit that the original decision was wrong.

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