A must-see

Martin Himel made a documentary concerning the Concordia riots that prevented Benjamin Netanyahu from speaking on campus. The rioters were Muslim students and their allies.

Watch, and be angered and horrified.

The whole thing can be seen here.

Via LGF.

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3 Responses to A must-see

  1. Mark says:

    Troops and a few thousand deportations would be the right thing. Will this happen? Hah! Arm yourselves.

  2. Herschel says:

    I am boiling with rage, this must be what it was like in the 1930’s and no one took any action to stop the savages then, or, now.

  3. Doctor Funk says:

    I saw the documentary about a year or so ago when it was shown on Global TV here in Canada. It upset me rather a lot at the time. What I found interesting is that it was shown on Global…Himel normally reported for CBC television, our generally pro-leftist government owned channel.
    Being a part-time student at a different school in Canada, what happened at Concordia saddened me, but surprised me not at all. The ability of radicals and the various Arab student groups to mobilize people to oppose something like a visit by Bibi. If you’d like a Canadian Jewish first hand view of what Concordia was like, check out Sari Stein’s archives over at Segacs.

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