Pass on “300,” please

When the New York Times leads with this in the film review, I think that, added to the “this movie has really graphic violence” meme going around, will lead me to pass.

“300” is about as violent as “Apocalypto” and twice as stupid.

And while we’re talking about comics, Marvel killed off Captain America, who apparently was a victim of 9/11, or something like that. I don’t really know. I read about it, got annoyed, then remembered I never really read Cap, shrugged, and moved on with my life.

It’s not like they’re not going to bring him back in a few years anyway. Nobody’s ever really dead in comic books or soap operas.

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4 Responses to Pass on “300,” please

  1. A (post) Bat Mitzvah Dad says:

    But Cap’s creator (Joe Simon) is Jewish. I caught a few minutes of the NPR story and he said he’s “sitting Shiva”.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Well, Victor Davis Hanson likes “300” and that’s good enough for me.

  3. soccer dad says:

    Cap was in suspended animation for quite a few years before after WWII before he was unfrozen in the 60’s sometime.

    So yeah, he can come back; he already has!

  4. Solomon says:

    Damn, I’m really looking forward to seeing 300…in IMAX 3D. Looks cool!

    As for Cap…I’m glad I haven’t been reading comics for a long while.

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