Regarding that “fortess mentality”

The King of Jordan says that Israel must make a choice:

Jordan’s King Abdullah II said Friday that Israel must choose between the mentality of “Israel the fortress” or “living in peace and security with its neighbors.”

Nowhere in the article does it point out that the “fortress mentality” was brought upon by the thousands of terror attacks Israel has suffered since before her inception. Yes, before. And prior to the “occupation,” also.

The Middle East faces “either the choice of peace or the choice of chaos, violence and destruction,” Abdullah said in a rare television interview.

[…] But, the king added, “the principle problem in the region is the Palestinian issue and, if it is not solved, it will be impossible to solve the other problems.”

“The main responsibility (for achieving peace) lies with Israel, which must choose either to remain a prisoner of the mentality of ‘Israel the fortress’ or to live in peace and stability with its neighbors,” he said.

It is not Israel that chooses to withdraw behind fortress walls. It is the Arabs who refuse to make peace with Israel, and who flog the palestinian issue, that are the problem. When Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Arabs and Muslims across the world—including Jordan—continue to fund and supply the terrorists who murder Israelis, Israel must respond in kind. Defense isn’t an option. It is a requirement, to keep from being murdered in their schools, on their buses, in pizza parlors and markets, in restaurants and shops, and in their beds.

Place the blame where it belongs, Abdullah: On the murderers, not on those who defend themselves from murder.

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4 Responses to Regarding that “fortess mentality”

  1. Paul says:

    Abdulla,like most Arabs, will always put the blame and/or the responsibility squarely on Israel. The Arabs cannot tolerate defiant Jews in their midst-it pricks their pride.

  2. Herschel says:

    Jordan is an independent country because Israel covertly protects the king.
    The long term plan of the Phillistines is not just the west bank of the Jordan river, but all of the land to the east and to the west. Black September was just the beginning and all it would take is for the king to be asassinated for Jordan to cease to exist and be taken over by the majority of Phillistines living in that country.

    Israel and the king are secretly co-operating and the king makes his silly anti Israel statements for the benefit of his restless countrymen.

    Israel takes everything he says as survival mode only.

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    There is nothing Israel can do to end the war. The responsibility lies exclusively with the Muslims, especially with the Arabs. If they stopped attacking Israel and trying to destroy the country the war would end. As long as they fail to do so it will continue. And until the price of attacking Israel becomes so painful that they cry “enough” the Arabs will continue the war.

  4. Lil Mamzer says:

    I read crap like this from Abdullah and I ache to publicly humiliate this asswipe.
    Won’t anyone remind him about his father who, already occupying the Old City of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, decided that wasn’t enough and opened up the third front against Israel in June, 1967? Which occupied territories do you think he was trying to recover then, Abdullah? Hmmm?

    Hey, Abdullah, do you think that peaceful gesture by your dead dad contributed to any ‘fortress mentality’? Or did it just make you look like the biggest hypocrite in your pathetic little kingdom?

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