Fisk lied. Who could predict that?

So it turns out that Fisk lied again, by jumping the gun with accusations that were utterly unfounded, and ultimately disproven, about Israel using depleted uranium. Who cleared Israel? The Lebanese.

The Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission has ruled that no toxic radioactive materials were found in the areas bombed by Israel during the recent war , following a series of accusations and suspicions regarding the shells and weapons used by the Israel Defense Forces.

The ruling, based on laboratory tests, was presented during a scientific symposium on nuclear energy held in Lebanon on Monday. The symposium was aimed at informing the Lebanese public of lab tests carried out on more than 100 sites bombed during the war.

I will breathlessly await Robert Fisk’s retraction.

Yes, yes, I know. I’ll wait a long, long time for that.

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4 Responses to Fisk lied. Who could predict that?

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    Well, that’s because those sneaky Israelis used toxic WMD that disappeared without a trace after the damage was done. Just like they blew up the ambulances with missiles that disappeared without a trace after setting the insides on fire without actually burning anything in the ambulance.

  2. Geoff says:

    You mean the same Robert Fisk who claimed that Hezbolalh didn’t have 20,000 Katyusha rockets? No way!

  3. Lil Mamzer says:

    Fisk is a penis.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    Lil Mamzer,
    What a cruel thing to say about poor, little Bobby. Call him a schmuck instead.

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