The French and the Jews: plus ça change…

…plus c’est la même chose.

Yes, it’s the same old story. Only worse.

The number of anti-Semitic incidents in France jumped sharply in 2006, lifted by attacks following the brutal murder of a young Jew at the start of the year and by the war in Lebanon, a Jewish group said on Monday.

CRIF, the representative council of Jewish institutions in France, said physical attacks on Jews rose 46 percent to 112 last year from 77 in 2005.

Anti-Semitic “actions”, including both assaults and lesser attacks such as throwing objects or causing material damage, rose 40 percent to 213 from 152, while the number of threats rose by 7 percent to 158.

CRIF said the rise in attacks appeared to have been fuelled by the murder of Ilan Halimi , a 23-year-old Jewish man whose death at the hands of a group of kidnappers in February last year shocked France.

Read that again. Attacks rose after Ilan Halimi was tortured and murdered. The scumbags were egged on by his murder.

Here’s the thing. CRIF, like most French Jewish organizations, tends to play down attacks on Jews. It is a rare thing to see them complain that attacks are up. Even when they are.

Time to bail on France, my fellow Jews.

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2 Responses to The French and the Jews: plus ça change…

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    Jews are always the ‘canary in the coalmine’ – when life becomes intolerable for French Jews, the French republic’s days are numbered. France will be the first official member of the Eurabian caliphate. Maybe it will become the northern province of Algeria. Plus ca change indeed.

  2. Paul says:

    The French deserve what befalls them !!

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