Above and beyond

Last week, when Sarah said, “You can say no, and I’ll understand completely” before asking for me to take Jake to his concert tonight, I figured, what the hey, all I have to do Tuesday is teach religious school. I can get out a half hour early and take Jake to his concert, eat a late dinner, then go home. I’m not working.

Well, got the call today that I’m needed up in D.C. tomorrow, so I’m writing this while washing the clothes I want to wear to work, and wondering if I need to bring my laptop (which is more accurately known as a portable desktop, as it has a 17-inch screen and is quite heavy), and trying to remember if I have directions to the place I’m going, or only directions written down from the hotel where I dropped off N.Z. Bear last week after having lunch with him and Citizen Smash. (And boy, that was a fun lunch. Those two are so much alike they should be related. They double-teamed me, and they’re both wiseasses.)

Ah, well. With the dulcet tones of fifth-grade choirs in my head, I’m rushing around trying to tie up all the loose ends and get some sleep tonight. At least I got gas tonight, so I won’t have to do it in the morning. Damn. I forgot to look for my EZ Pass. It’s in the car somewhere, because it activated the toll two days ago.

Posting will be light tomorrow, and with any luck, I’ll see Smash for dinner while waiting out the D.C. rush hour. But yay: Money coming in again.

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2 Responses to Above and beyond

  1. chsw says:

    Let’s hope that it is something more than temporary. Good luck.


  2. Sarah G. says:

    At least you got some cake out of it and again, thank you.

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