Wire service accuracy report cards

One week after my letters to AP and Reuters pointing out their error in identifying the Western Wall as “Judaism’s holiest site,” we have this from AP:

The archaeological dig is taking place about 60 yards away from the Al Aqsa mosque and gold-capped Dome of the Rock an area considered the third-holiest in Islam.

It is also Judaism’s holiest site, having housed the biblical Jewish temples. Jews have gathered for centuries to pray outside the compound at the Western Wall, a remnant of the ancient compound.

Grade: A. Good work, AP.

Now, to Reuters:

Israeli officials have said the dig, about 50 metres from the compound overlooking the Western Wall, Judaism’s holiest site, would last at least eight months and that no work on a walkway would start before it is completed.

And that’s an F. I sent another letter to Reuters. We’ll be watching.

Neither service, by the way, responded to me personally. Not that I expected it.

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