Someone needs a history lesson in blogging

TRex over at Firedoglake doesn’t know that the blogosphere existed long before 9/11.

I think the wider world has learned a lot about the world of blogging over the last few weeks, not just with FDL being front-and-center-and-above-the-fold in today’s New York Times, but also in terms of what the people on the Right are willing to do in their attempts to kneecap liberals as we push past them and to the forefront of the New Media movement. For you see, originally blogging was a mostly Right Wing creature. It began as an extension of talk radio and for years the field was kind of like a wet t-shirt contest at an old folks’ home. You had to give them credit for trying, I guess, but, well, let’s just say the world wasn’t ready for the results.

Actually, the first bloggers were tech bloggers, and they tended to be overwhelmingly liberal in their points of view: cf Dave Winer, Shelley Powers, Doc Searls, and many others.

Blogging wasn’t an extension of talk radio. It was a way for techies to communicate with one another. The tools were quickly adapted around 2001 by people like Glenn Reynolds, but they were there for all to use.

Some people just used them better—and faster—than others.

And oh yeah: This is a prime example of do as I say, not as I do, in regard to Michelle Malkin:

It’s time for someone to call the bitch out.

Sexist much?

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2 Responses to Someone needs a history lesson in blogging

  1. TRex says:

    Hey, Meryl,

    You may remember me as David Strain from “Sketches of Strain”. Glad to know you’re a reader.

    Hope you’re well,

  2. Yes, I do remember you, but I don’t remember you being a sexist. I mean, c’mon. Can’t a woman blogger take a hit that doesn’t call her “bitch”?

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