The new “unity” government

I don’t buy the new “unity” government. I give it three days, max, before Hamas says they’ll never, ever, ever treat with “the Zionist enemy.”

Rival Palestinian factions signed a power-sharing accord aimed at ending months of bloodshed Thursday, agreeing that the Islamic militant group Hamas would head a new coalition government that would “respect” past peace agreements with Israel.

This is the money quote:

Much of the negotiations centered on a single word. Abbas pressed Hamas to accept the stronger stance of “committing to” past peace accords with Israel signed by the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Liberation Organization. But in the end, he was forced to settle for the promise to “respect” them.

Really. A week on the outside. I think even though the Saudis and Abbas sat Hamas down and told them that all they had to do was pay lip service to the agreement, Hamas is going to shoot itself in the foot again. Their Jew-hatred is so intense that they simply cannot stand to let the world think that there might be a chance for peace with Israel—because Hamas wants to replace Israel with an Islamic state. It’s in their charter.

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5 Responses to The new “unity” government

  1. Eric J says:

    Here’s how they can pull it off: Fatah holds the Foreign Policy portfolio. They get to pretend that the agreements they’ve signed with Israel in the past mean something, despite the total lack of action on the Palestinian side. They also try to get Israel to sign new agreements.

    Meanwhile, Hamas gets to run the Dept. of Intifadah, and continue doing what they, regrettably do best. It’s not uncommon for the foreign policy establishment and the military to be working at cross purposes, just look at our govt.

    Then, Hamas gets to spin off a new group “unconnected” to the government in order to kidnap and execute Fatah negotiators for “collaborating” with the Zionist Oppressor.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Well, Meryl, that’s the new cliche, replacing “quicker than a New York minute”–“it lasts as long as a Palestinian cease fire.”

  3. Well, I was going to say “I give it a day,” but even I thought they’d last a while longer this time.

    Schmucks. They could have it all if they could only tamp down the Jew-hatred. Thank God they can’t.

  4. J. Lichty says:

    Hamas is like the Fonz. No not in their shark-jumping coolness, but in the way they cannot even say certain words. The Fonz used to stammer, unable to finish the phrase, I was wrrawwww, wrawww, wrawwwww.

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