Rudy’s in the race.

The only candidate worth voting for, as far as I’m concerned, and here’s the video.

Part one:

Part two:

The money quote:

HANNITY: you are then officially running to be the next president of the United States.

GIULIANI: Well. We still have to formally announce and do a few more things. But this is about as close as you get. We did everything you have to do I guess legally then you still have to make a formal announcement and things like that

HANNITY: Are you in it to win it?

GIULANI: Gosh yeah. That’s the only reason to do it. First thing you have to do is say to yourself what can I bring to it, what can I do that’s different and how can i make the country better? how can i improve it? i think the experiences that I’ve had as mayor of New York city, united states attorney, all of them very, very strongly kind of in the executive area where you have to have leadership and organization and focus and having dealt with a city that was really bad shape when I took over and I had to kind of turn around, i think it gives you the background to approach it and feel pretty comfortable that you can make a difference.

Run, Rudy, run.

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11 Responses to Rudy’s in the race.

  1. Robert says:

    I will vote for him. :) He is my fav so far.

  2. Mog says:

    He definitelly has mine over McCain and the rest of the announced. It will be interesting to see if he gets the nomination who he picks for Veep.

  3. TLB says:

    Rudy will definitely continue George Bush’s hugely popular immigration policies. He might even do better than Bush if he’s the one who passes the massive amnesty they both support.

  4. Alan Furman says:

    Though I by no means like everything about Giuliani, the present jihadist plague calls for a strong executive and tenacious fighter against violence….someone who Gets It.

    Bottom line:

    The only candidate worth voting for


  5. Tatterdemalian says:

    Heh… the amnesty bill will only work until the illegals realize they can no longer get sub-minimum wage jobs after they become US citizens. Then we’ll see the crap hit the fan.

    What, you think their employers will raise their salaries (and go out of business) instead? Naivette would be cute, if it wasn’t so dangerous…

  6. Paul says:

    I am for RG !

  7. Veeshir says:

    I just wish somebody would ask him about his previous gun-grabbing proclivities.

    I understand he probably felt he had to do it in NYC, for various reasons, but does he feel that he needs to do it in the USA as a whole?

    That’s the only caveat I have for a Benito Giuliani run.

    I’ve decided the best possible combo would be Rudy/Newt if only to see the NY Times have a total breakdown. You think they hate Bush? They really hate Benito Giuliani and Newt is that which is even more evil than Hitler, an intelligent, well-spoken and effective Republican.

    As for Benito Giuliani, he showed each and every liberal in NYC to be a total and complete moron. “NYC is ungovernable” they said, “Dinkins is a great mayor” they said. “Giuliani’s “broken windows” plan will never work” they said.

    And they were spectacularly wrong in each and every instance and you can’t just go around making our elites look foolish you know.

  8. J. Lichty says:

    If Newt doesn’t run, Rudy is the best choice – and maybe even then.

    Would love to see Rudy with Newt as Sec of State.

  9. HT says:

    Guiliani’s executive experience, honesty, and ability to defend his positions spontaneously and articulately have recently moved him ahead of McCain in my book. However, both are completely credible and serious about the WOT, so I’d vote for either. But in the primaries, I’ll go with RG.

  10. Gary Rosen says:

    J. Lichty:

    Totally agreed with you about Newt for Sec. of State. He comes across a bit too arrogant for President, definitely lacking the common touch that I think Giuliani has. But Newt may be the only person with the brains and the cojones to clean out the cesspool at State. Remember the high hopes we had for Condi? She just caved to the establishment there.

  11. Tatterdemalian says:

    I’m still hoping Lieberman finally crosses the aisle and runs for the Republican nomination. Or better yet, Rudy wins the primary and invites Lieberman to be his veep.

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