The man who would be Prime Minister

Ehud Barak is throwing his hat into the ring. Ehud Barak, you may remember, is the man who withdrew the IDF from Lebanon in 2000. Here’s what he has to say about that withdrawal:

Also, for the first time since the second Lebanon war Barak referred to the retreat from the Lebanon security strip he headed during his time as prime minister and said: “I don’t think that we should look back. We could sink into endless debates about the past. I am convinced that we left Lebanon the right way.”

According to Barak, “this withdrawal was very good. Only because of it were we able to gain complete international legitimacy to do whatever we please there a few years later. Beyond this I do not want to discuss it. It should be for the citizens to judge.”

Let me interpret that for you. The man who was one of the people who can actually be blamed for the accession of Hezbullah to its current status is actually saying that because he engineered the retreat from Lebanon, the world didn’t give Israel a hard time for going back in to fight the Hezbullah army last summer.

I’m thinking that Ehud Barak is a liar, a fool, or a man who cannot read. Well, two out of three ain’t bad.

What is it about politicians that turns them into complete assholes who think that nobody has any kind of memory, or grasp on reality?

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2 Responses to The man who would be Prime Minister

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    In order for the mashiach to come, things must be so bad that there is no hope at all for humans to succeed. The current set of Israeli politicians are just doing their best to ensure that Hashem must send the mashiach.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Tzipi for PM. Everybody else in the running seems to be either a previous failure, a crook, or a lunatic.

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