Abbas the so-called moderate: Kill Israelis

Is anyone out there truly surprised to hear this?

“Moderate” PA head Abbas: Killing Israelis legitimate – killing Palestinians not
“PA Chairman Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) said that it is legitimate to turn rifles against the occupation, but Palestinian blood must not be spilled.

At the annual rally of Fatah in Ramallah Abu Mazen said that if there won’t be one authority and one weapon – there will be no Palestinian existence.

He repeated that the Palestinians will not compromise on refugees and on Jerusalem and will not agree to a state in temporary borders. The chairman of the PA added that the Palestinians want a just peace for their children and grandchildren and thus stretch out their hands in peace.


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5 Responses to Abbas the so-called moderate: Kill Israelis

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Temporary means anything east of the 200 mile sea limit. Of course this is only for the Palestinians. He is willing to concede the rest of the world to the other terrorists.

  2. cond0010 says:

    “The chairman of the PA added that the Palestinians want a just peace for their children and grandchildren and thus stretch out their hands in peace.”

    Hey, this sounds like a perfect quote to put on the top of CAIR’s website. It’ll make them sound so good and noble.

    As long as they don’t add this part:

    “Moderate” PA head Abbas: Killing Israelis legitimate – killing Palestinians not”

  3. chsw says:

    Perhaps we should write to CAIR and ask them to revive Abbas’ PR image among Arabs by running that headline.


  4. cond0010 says:

    Yea. But it’ll have to be in Arabic, as usual.

  5. Alex Bensky says:

    “The chairman of the PA added that the Palestinians want a just peace for their children and grandchildren and thus stretch out their hands in peace.”

    Any bets on whether this is what the msn will report and the rest of the speech won’t be?

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