Hey, what happened to that post?

The one that Lair Simon posted about Jimmy Webb? I deleted it. Sorry, but it’s not suitable for my weblog. It’s over on his if you care to read it.

Okay, it was there, but now it’s not. At least, he SAID it was there.

This may be an elaborate prank by Lair. He’s been trying to mess with me like this ever since I gave him co-blogging privileges.

Hm. Confused? Well, so am I.

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4 Responses to Hey, what happened to that post?

  1. ilyka says:

    It’s also still in the feed. I’m just sayin’.

    Lair, Lair, Lair.

  2. I don’t think I can delete it from the feed. Another reason to subscribe to the RSS feed: You get to see all my mistakes, uncorrected. Or a deleted post.

  3. You get to see all MY mistakes, too.

  4. chsw says:

    Was this about Jimmy Webb, of music/lyric talent, or Jimmy Webb, the US Senate candidate from VA whose novels’ characters have some unusual proclivities?


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