Gracie block

I seem to be unable to concentrate on much besides Gracie’s health today.

I’m debating whether or not to take her to the specialist. She has not vomited since yesterday, and again, that was right after Tig hissed and growled like he was going to attack her.

She’s done almost nothing but sleep since she got home. She hasn’t eaten, but she’s walked around her food dishes like she was interested in them.

I’m thinking of waiting another day before putting her back into the carrier, which I fully expect will cause her to vomit. I think I may go out and get the baby food everyone’s been urging me to try, and see if that gets her to eat. Because if she eats and keeps it down, there’s no need to take her to another vet.

Tig’s the one who will get locked up today. Gracie needs her comfort spots. Her comfort spot right now is on the sofa.

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6 Responses to Gracie block

  1. Cameron says:

    I would say make the appointment with the specialist if she keeps refusing to eat. And good luck to you both. Consider happy thoughts being sent in Gracie’s direction.

  2. Yeah, we’re going. She won’t eat, she’s getting weaker, and she’s not looking so hot this morning.

  3. Chairwoman says:

    Poor Gracie, and poor Meryl. Let’s hope the new vet’s got some new ideas, baruch hashem.

  4. Hot(M)BC says:

    I know Gracie won’t be thrilled with the carrier, but it sounds like the best thing to do and see if the specialist can help her out. I sure hope so!
    ~~ Robyn

  5. Hugh says:

    Good luck. I hope Gracie comes out of this healthier than ever.

  6. Connecticut Yankee says:

    More prayers (and long-distance virtual hugs) for courage and healing for you and Gracie.

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