Meryl to Ahmadinejad: You’ll disappear before Israel does

Gorilla Boy is making bad predictions again.

CBS/AP) Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday that Israel no longer had any reason to exist and would soon disappear.

“This regime, thanks to God, has lost the reason for its existence,” Ahmadinejad told a crowd of thousands gathered at a rally in support of the Palestinians in the capital Tehran.

“Efforts to stabilize this fake (Israeli) regime, by the grace of God, have completely failed… You should believe that this regime is disappearing,” he said.

Ahmadinejad has before called for Israel to be “swept off the map,” and his comments frequently come on days when Iran holds huge national rallies in support of the Palestinians. Friday was “Jerusalem Day” in Iran.

Funny how the AP isn’t really leading with this story. This information has been out since yesterday, but mostly buried by the wire services, and by the newspapers that carry it. Here is the International Herald Tribune’s entire entry:

TEHRAN, Iran Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday called Israel’s leaders a “group of terrorists” and threatened any country that supports the Jewish state.

“You imposed a group of terrorists … on the region,” Ahmadinejad said, addressing the U.S. and its allies. “It is in your own interest to distance yourself from these criminals… This is an ultimatum. Don’t complain tomorrow.”

“Nations will take revenge,” he told a crowd of thousands gathered at a pro-Palestinian rally in the capital Tehran.

Ahmadinejad said Israel no longer had any reason to exist and would soon disappear.

“This regime, thanks to God, has lost the reason for its existence,” he said.

“Efforts to stabilize this fake (Israeli) regime, by the grace of God, have completely failed… You should believe that this regime is disappearing,” he said.

Eretz Yisrael is the land that God gave to the Jewish people. That’s the reason Israel exists. I’m going to err on the side of the Divine and figure that Israel will be around long after Ahmadinejad is dust. I know he thinks he’s speaking for God, but y’know, I kinda doubt it. (Okay, I actually think he’s full of crap, but I was being polite.)

Hey, doesn’t even the Koran talk about Israel being the land of the Jews?

Go ahead and yap, Gorilla Boy. Someone’s taking notes, and you’re going to be very surprised one day when you discover His name isn’t Allah.

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2 Responses to Meryl to Ahmadinejad: You’ll disappear before Israel does

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    The Islamic Republic of Iran lost its reason for existing, oh about 27 years ago. If Gorilla Boy wants a rain of nuclear fire on Iran he’s going about it the right way.

    So Mahmoud, Father of Lies, has given the USA an ultimatum has he? Eff off Father of Lies. Your disgusting arrogance is becoming too annoying to endure much longer.

    The only hostile thing Israel ever did to Iran was to offend the Iranians’ fragile amour propre as Muslims, who consider themselves the proper masters of the world, and as a rank injustice that they are not swaggering around arrogantly pushing all the infidels out of their way. O Father of Lies, you can be replaced by a pile of radioactive rubble with no problem at all.

  2. As I blogged here What is the matter, Mahmoud. If you dislike Israel so much, why don’t you just attack them. Just because the last time several Arab countries attacked them, they pushed them back and took a lot of their territory, you need to remember those were Arab countries. You are Persian. Why don’t you try it. The Israelis need some Persian Rugs.

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