The lie of the Syrian peace

Miguel Moratinos, no friend to Israel, is pushing the lie that the Dorktator wants peace with Israel:

Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos said Sunday that Syria wanted to renew contacts with Israel.

Following meetings over the weekend with Syria’s president, Bashar Assad, and its foreign minister, Walid Moallem, Moratinos said he was impressed by Syria’s attitude on Lebanon, which he called “very positive.” Damascus supports the UN’s ceasefire resolution, Moratinos said, and is interested in helping to implement it.

Moratinos added that peace could not be achieved in the Middle East without the participation of Syria.

So how do you figure he can explain this?

Brigadier-General Yossi Beyditz, head the Research Department in the IDF Directorate of Military Intelligence, told Cabinet Sunday that, “(Syrian President Bashar) Assad is preparing his army for a confrontation with Israel.”

“Assad has not returned the army to its pre-Lebanon war positions,” Beyditz said.

However, he added that the Syrian army is not prepared to attack, but rather to defend the country against a possible Israeli offensive

“These are artillery cannons, missiles and rockets positioned in forward positions. He is preparing for a defensive and not offensive
response. He estimates that Israel would want to attack him,” he said.

Gee, let’s think a minute—why would he think Israel is going to attack Syria?

He added: “Assad continues to support Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hizbullah. We have unequivocal proof on his direct involvement in smuggling weapons to Lebanon. In the past there was no proof,” he said.

“The Syrians continue to sabotage attempts to implement UN Resolution 1701 and also to harm (Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad) Siniora’s sovereignty and create a majority block against him in the government,” he added.

Oh, that’s right. It’s the Syrian proxy army in Lebanon, aiming all those rockets at Israel. Baby Assad must realize that next time, Israel strikes back at the source. It is to be hoped.

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One Response to The lie of the Syrian peace

  1. Paul says:

    Syrians and Iranians spell “up to no good” with regard to Israel.

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