Advice for Olmert on Nasrallah

I’ve got the answer for you, Ehud:

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was evasive about whether Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah is still in Israel’s crosshairs.

Hizbullah planned to stage a victory rally in Beirut on Friday.

Asked by Maariv whether Nasrallah is still a target for assassination, Olmert said: “There is no reason for me to notify Nasrallah through the media how we will act. We will not give him advance notice. He is holding a victory march because he has lost.”

Three words: Shoot the fucker.

Pardon my language, folks, but sometimes, “effer” doesn’t work.

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6 Responses to Advice for Olmert on Nasrallah

  1. chsw says:

    Meryl, I am surprised at you. I thought you would have used “pig” as a prefix in the last sentence.


  2. Dan says:

    Yea, I was shocked too. Especially from a woman.

    I’ll occasionally think: “Take ’em out,” or “kill him,” {about enemies to our country, such as the regime in Tehran, or Hezbo types, or their terror pals} but never that, never a simple “Shoot the f….”

    But sad to say, there are more than just him that need to get sent beyond.

  3. Michael says:

    There’s no time, these days, to quibble over language. We need to be blunt.

    Nasrallah’s holding a victory because the IDF did not kill everything between the border and the Litani.

    That’s a sad fact.

    Kudos to you, Meryl, for just saying “Shoot the fucker.”

  4. Joel says:

    Olmert the snake is a rotten stinking political hack.

  5. Doug Purdie says:

    … and may his effing aim be true!

  6. Michael Lonie says:

    I used to refer to guys like chipmunk-cheeks as swine, but no longer. Comparing terrorists to swine is an insult to all good-hearted pigs.

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