Good news/bad news job news

Well, apparently Large Company in Richmond is feeling a bit cautious these days. The good news is that I am the candidate that soon-to-be-boss wants to hire. The bad news is Large Company isn’t letting her hire me as a permanent employee. The good news is that she’s going to hire me to do the job as a temp, and the job will last at least until the end of the year. The bad news is that there’s no guarantee it will become permanent. The good news is that by the end of the year, I will have worked five months for Large Company and may be able to find other permanent positions if the one I’m being hired for doesn’t work out. And in any case, by the end of the year, I will have had ten months of writing in a corporate environment, so I’ll be able to springboard anywhere.

I would very much like to stay with Large Company, so I’m hoping that my new boss’ workaround, well, works.

But hey, it’s a job, I start Monday, and the new temp agency also offers benefits—hopefully including paid time off, like my last one did—so I’ll only be on COBRA for a month.

The blizzard of posting you’ve seen in the last month will trickle down to a normal number again. I’ll probably go with my old routine of writing posts the night before and scheduling them to appear throughout the day, as well as checking for fresh news in the morning. Lunchtime; probably not. I like eating lunch at lunchtime, go figure.

Thanks again to all of you who have hit the tipjars in the past few weeks. Every time I go to transfer the funds, I find someone else has added a few bucks to the total. Between that, my savings, and not buying the iPod with my tax refund after all, I’ll be fine until the new paychecks start coming in.

And soon, it will be time to go back to being a teacher again. Ooh, that reminds me. I have a project I need to work on for September. Been thinking about it all summer. I’m going to make a set of cards for “Jewpardy.” Now where did I put those Mastery Skills booklets?

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6 Responses to Good news/bad news job news

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Congratters on the new job. Temp is better than none.

    Jewpardy? The adult mind recoils from it. Well, you are dealing with nine-year-olds.

    I had to do a presentation of some kind in a French class once and chose to do a Jeopardy type game with a phrase in Froggish. Translated it was “Never kiss a frog.” The class failed to discern the phrase before the time was up, so nobody won the prise, a tiny box of chocolates.

  2. segacs says:

    Congrats on the job. Now if only I could find one…

  3. from my youth …
    A boy was swinging on a swing.
    Unfortunately he fell off.
    Fortunately there was a haystack below.
    Unfortunately there was a pitchfork sticking out of the haystack.
    Fortunately he missed the pitchfork.
    Unfortunately he missed the haystack.

  4. FWGMills says:

    Don’t be discouraged by being hired as a temp. I’m finding out that hardly nobody hires permanent help anymore. They hire contractors so they can get rid of you quick and easy if they don’t like you. If you do a good job and the work is self-sustaining they’ll offer to move you to full time.

    It’s an interesting new dance that I’ve had to learn in the past year in the IT field.

  5. Daled Amos says:

    Glad to hear you have a job lined up, and that there is a springboard next to the haystack. (metaphors were never my strong suit). Best of luck

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