Tummy Tuesday 3

This one is my new desktop wallpaper.

Tummy Tuesday with Tig

This is after a long afternoon of napping in the sun. It’s exhausting work, but somebody’s gotta do it.

I wonder if I could turn that into an animated gif and make him dance….

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7 Responses to Tummy Tuesday 3

  1. Cat? He’s a kittycat? And he meows meows meows and he meows meows meows?

  2. Rahel says:

    If I had my way, I’d be giving him a bellyrub and he’d go purr, purr, purr — yes, he’d purr, purr, purr.

  3. No, people. As a slave of two cats, one of them quite sizeable, I must say there are limits, and these limits are overstepped here. So:

    1. Diet

    2. If it fails – a good taxidermist.

    Gross, it is just gross.

  4. Oh, come on, now, Snoopy.

    At least two inches of what you see is fur. Maybe three.

    You need to visit tubcat.com and see what a real fat cat looks like.

  5. chsw says:

    Fess up, Meryl. You’re hoping that he gets big enough to interest a furrier.


    My guess is that you will need two more of his size for a stole.

  6. Aaron says:

    Hey Meryl, I heard you put Tig on a diet, How many diet tablets are you giving him?
    Click for the answer
    Too Many

  7. Pingback: Dean's World

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