Charting their ignorance

(Via J-Walk)
Slate offers up a cutesy simplified chart to demonstrate what they think.

You’re kidding me, right?

EU and Israel shaking hands? Um… have these people ever heard of terrorist paymaster Christopher Patten, to whom open independent audits were as horrifying as garlic-covered mirrored crosses are to vampires?

Israel and Saudi Arabia Questionmarkfacey? Um… have these people seen the sermons from Jeddah and Riyadh, read anything from faux-independent Arab News, or have they noticed the continued boycott of Israel by Saudi Arabia despite their obligation to drop it as a condition of joining the WTO?

Palestinian Authority and Israel are correct with the knife in the back, but the description calls Abbas a “moderate.” Despite Abbas’ speeches refering to Israel as “The Zionist Enemy” repeatedly.

Lebanon and Hezbollah as a Questionmarkfacey? Um… make that a handshake despite the repeated denials of official support. Statements this week from Lebanon’s defense minister saying their Army will do a 180 drom UNSC 1559 and fight alongside Hezbollah pretty much shatters any illusions there. (Although considering the amount of Hezbollah within the LA and LA within Hezbollah, they’d need mirrors to fight alongside each other at times.)

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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2 Responses to Charting their ignorance

  1. Matt says:

    Did you notice that Robin Wright at the WaPo is saying that Israel started this whole thing?

  2. David Katz says:

    That chart makes me sick. It makes Israel seem wrong for being “unwilling” to negotiate with kidnappers. WTF, Hamas has explicitly refused to negotiate with Israel at all and this is what they write?

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