Saddam in the hospital

You know that saying, the world’s smallest violin is playing? Even that one isn’t going to play for Saddam Hussein’s health.

BAGHDAD, Iraq Jul 23, 2006 (AP)— Saddam Hussein was hospitalized Sunday on the 17th day of a hunger strike, the chief prosecutor in his trial said.

Jaafar al-Moussawi said he visited the prison Sunday where Saddam and the seven other co-defendants are held and was told that the ex-president’s health “is unstable because of the hunger strike.”



Save the world the trouble of finishing your trial.

“We took him to hospital and he is being currently fed by a tube,” al-Moussawi told The Associated Press. He refused to identify the hospital.

Damn. Let him die, you fools.

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4 Responses to Saddam in the hospital

  1. Robert says:

    His death would be something good he would have done for this World.

  2. RR says:

    Right on, let him croak. He’s not worth the gazillions of dollars his sham of a trial will cost.

  3. chsw says:

    If he has the discipline to starve himself to death, that’s fine by me. May his virgins all look like Yasser Arafat.


  4. The Doctor says:

    Meryl, you fail to understand. They don’t specify where the feeding tube is inserted…

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