Back home, and damned tired

In interviews and testing from 12:45 to 5 p.m.

I am exhausted.

I think I did well. I know I liked everyone I met, and think I’d do very well in the position. I’ll know in a couple of weeks.

And my prospective boss cheated! She read my website. Go figure.

Actually, I find it fascinating that in the last five years, she is literally the only prospective employer who found my website before I mentioned it. But I’ve decided that I can’t do anything about it. If a prospective employer googles my name, this site comes up. If s/he doesn’t like the site, oh, well. That’s probably not a person I would have liked working with.

On the other hand, I have also written many of my posts with an eye to my online reputation. Sure, sometimes I get pretty angry, and I post a flame or three. But most of the time, I edit down the fires until they reach a low broil.

The best thing about my prospective boss finding this place: She liked my writing. I’m applying for a writing position. I count that as a win.

Posting will resume when my energy returns. Sorry I wasn’t in D.C. with y’all, but the job comes first.

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10 Responses to Back home, and damned tired

  1. John F. MacMichael says:

    Good luck on the job hunt!

  2. ilyka says:

    Until FIVE?

    Good gravy. Liberal doses of Gilmore Girls, Buffy, and hootch are in order. Just not necessarily in THAT order.

    Rest up, and congratulations on surviving it all with your customary grace.

  3. Robert says:

    So, your boss found your website….how was that conversation..positive I hope! :)

  4. Jim Lamb says:

    Best of Luck on that job. May I also suggest something tall, cool, and slightly numbing.

  5. Robert, I don’t know what the hell you put in your comment, but it keeps killing Thunderbird every time I try to read it.

    Man, what is it with all you people suggesting I relax with alcohol? I am so past that. I almost never drink anymore.

    All I really need is The Chair That Swallows You Whole, and something interesting on TV. Or a book.

  6. Ben F says:

    While your presence would have been most welcome, Meryl, the rally was well-attended even in your absence. A nice list of dignitaries, too—Ambassador Ayalon, Governor Ehrlich, Senator Brownback, and Representatives Wexler, Cardin, Sherman, and Wasserman Schultz. Plus some clergy and a few Federation and JCRC bigwigs.

    Of course, had you shown up you might well have had to summon The Hulk to restrain you when you laid eyes on the Jews for Jesus folks on the outskirts of the event.

  7. cond0010 says:

    What kind of books do you read, Meryl?

  8. Rahel says:

    For relaxation, I suggest liberal doses of Tig and Gracie.

    Best of luck, Meryl! I’m glad things looked good, and I hope you get the job.

  9. Yehudit says:

    I too worry about how my blog will affect my future employment. But, like you, I can’t do anything aobut it now! :-)

    Good luck with the job!

  10. velvel of atlanta says:

    The prospective employer will recognize that you are able to write lucidly, and that is a rarity. You cannot imagine the misery we go through reading attempting to read resumes supposely sent to us by college graduates who currently hold responsible positions.

    So, again, shvester, we drop gelt into the pushke (which our friends at JNF need).

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