Remember this when it’s time for Emile Lahoud’s war crimes tribunal

President Emile Lahoud, a bought-and-paid-for tool of Syria, whines:

Meanwhile, Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, a pro-Syrian close ally of Hizbullah, said that Israel’s bloody assault could push desperate Lebanese citizens to sacrifice their lives to defend their country – and even commit acts of terrorism. He added, however, that the Lebanese “will not surrender,” and pleaded for the UN Security Council to “stop violence and arrange a cease-fire” so discussions could take place.

We heard the same line from Arafat for years, claiming that so-called “civilians” taking matters into their own hands, when for years he was funding, arming, and training them himself with…. (drumroll please) Iranian and Syrian help (Karine-A).
Until the Lebanese have the courage to stop being Syrian and Iranian tools, they should not be surprised if those toolboxes become their tombs.

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if the Russians hadn’t have scattered Hitler’s ashes and charred body parts. Would the Germans have destroyed the remnants or venerated them like holy relics as if he were some saint? Or would they have turned the bunker into a holy shrine, just as the Mukatah parking lot has become for another benefactor of Syrian and Iranian explosive largess?
Sadly, Emile Lahoud is just as protected by the United States as Mahmoud Abbas is, despite the fact that neither are genuine in their claims of being reformers or peacemakers.

Just tools, transforming their kingdoms into not into independent societies, but better tools to fit the hands of their masters.

All those of you who danced last year, waving cedar tree flags around… the so-called “democracy hotties” salivated over by the blogopshere and the press… where are you now? Has your facepaint faded along with your spirit, or has it been smeared with the spatters of blood from embracing Hezbollah and other tools of Syria, unwilling to let them go?

We’ll see where Emile Lahoud is buried, Syria or Lebanon, and judge the soul of the Lebanese people then.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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7 Responses to Remember this when it’s time for Emile Lahoud’s war crimes tribunal

  1. Billy Dennis says:

    I am wondering what relationship Lahoud has with U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood, who yesterday blasted Israel for having the audacity to defend itself when ONLY two citizens were kidnapped. The story is here and on my blog.

  2. Cynic says:

    What is “amusing” is that nobody mentions the katyushas and mortars fired against frontier settlements to set the ambush and accomplish the kidnapping which also entailed crossing an international frontier.
    But then I suppose this la la hood is okay with illegals.

  3. Jason says:

    Ray Lahood is a distant relative of Emile Lahoud. Rep Lahood has been one of the most anti-Israel congressmen in recent memory.

  4. Ramy says:

    And i want to ask the below questions:

    I also have a few questions to ask the world upon seeing this picture:
    Are the parents of these Israeli children trying to set an example?
    And what type of example is it?
    Do these children know that what they are writing on these rockets are
    actually striking other children on the opposite side of the border?
    How do you think the families of the victims would feel if and when
    they read these messages? How would you feel?
    Do you really think these children going to grow up and be future
    advocates of tolerance and peace in the Middle East?

  5. Ramy-

    You’re only getting a third of the picture there.

    There are other sites with the full story behind those kids drawing on the bombs. And notice how it’s all directed towards Nasrallah, the image they saw on TV. Not Lebanon. Not Islam. Not Arabism. Just Nasrallah.

    Then take a look at the thousands upon thousands of screaming angry armyed kids in Palestinian camps, guns and suicide bomber belts.

    Even if you imagine these girls to be hateful, which they aren’t, it is nothing compared to the vile and venomous hatred indoctrinated into the Pali killer-kids from birth.

    And unlike the killer-kids mass-produced and molded into Hamas and Hezbollah and Fateh fanatics, these kinds in their hearts desire peace with the Other, not peace Without The Other.

    That’s what I think of the future based on the full story of these kids, Ramy.

  6. Aakash says:

    It was just a couple hours ago that a family member (who is again sitting here in the family room, watching the news about what is going on in Lebanon) noted, when I mentioned Congressman Ray LaHood, that the President of Lebanon has a surnamed that is similarly spelled.

    I just asked him if the Congressman is related to the Lebanese President, and he said that he doubts that very much (but neither of us has any knowledge of this). We knew that Mr. LaHood has grandparents from Lebanon, but has a family tree connection really been found between my Congressman, and the President of that country?

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