Blooper of the week award

Goes to no other than Jonathan Steele for the following passage from the article Europe’s response to the siege of Gaza is shameful:

Finally, Israel must renounce violence, in particular the assassinations of Palestinian leaders. The number of civilians killed in these attacks this year alone far exceeds the number of Israeli victims since Hamas declared its ceasefire last year. The facts do not support the notion that Israel is “retaliating” to provocations.

To repeat: “far exceeds the number of Israeli victims since Hamas declared its ceasefire last year“. How do you like that “victims of a ceasefire”? If you know how to solve this moronic quandary, your desk in Guardian is waiting for you.

There is much more where it comes from, but this should be sufficient to show the true colors of Mr Steele.

Oh, and I liked very much that “European impotence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is of course an ancient problem.” Need you wonder about the reasons of the impotence, seeing that sample above?

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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One Response to Blooper of the week award

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    The last time Jews renounced the use of violence against those who would kill them six million Jews died. Mr. Steele is evidently comfortable with the prospect of a repeat of that event. Him not being an Israeli Jew, it would be no scales off his sitz-platz. What a loathesome piece of work.

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