The non-moderation of Hamas, cont’d.

Say, mainstream media, tell me again how Hamas is signing on to the two-state solution. Tell me again that they’re moderating. Go ahead. Lie to me. Because this is what they’re telling the Arab media.

“We are a nation which has been defeated, deprived and expelled from our lands, and we are operating to obtain what we deserve – what we had before 1948. Then there was no state called Israel. This occupation state was founded due to a United Nations decision. One can still see that all the UN rules apply to the weak side and not to the Israeli entity,” he said.

Oh, and he said this, too:

The Jew who came to the land of Palestine is a murderer and an occupier and he is the one we fight, but we have no connection to the Jew living in his synagogue in Britain or America. If he comes here, we will fight him,” Jabri continued.

Jabri provided his vision regarding the future of the Hamas movement, saying: “We are a combat movement, which will safeguard its weapons until the liberation of the entire Palestine. Therefore, we will continue our operations until the liberation is completed.

Asked what will now happen to the West Bank following Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, he added: “We will help our brothers in the West Bank as much as we can so that they are liberated like we in Gaza were liberated.”

If that isn’t moderate enough for you, there’s also this last little tidbit:

“Whichever defensive measures the enemy takes – we will get to them,” one member said.

“Gaza is only the beginning,” Izz el-Din el-Qassam spokesman Abu Obeida said.

Yep. Sounds to me like an organization that is totally on board with the two-state solution. Moderating influences, yup. Uh-huh. Sure.

C’mon, AP, Reuters, BBC, Guardian, Times, and WaPo: Lie to me.

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2 Responses to The non-moderation of Hamas, cont’d.

  1. aunursa says:

    we have no connection to the Jew living in his synagogue in Britain or America.

    Wrong! The Jews are one people — we’re sticking together against you savages. You take on any of us, you’re taking on all of us!

  2. Carol Herman says:

    Nah. I’m not sympathetic with the settlers who lived in gaza. They were willing to have the IDF lose their lives, to keep these 8000 happy, happy.

    Even a recent Sderot article upset me; when I realized one family came from Brooklyn and set up yeshivot. Grown men “study.” It’s an odd contribution to Judaism; which grew strong in the Diaspora; before hitler. And, where 3 separate branches of Judaism grew. You woldn’t notice this in Israel; where Katzav thinks he doesn’t have to address a Reform Rabbi by the title “rav.”

    Again, Arik Sharon saw the problemS. This included a heavy defense expense. Plus, what would happen IF the IDF wanted to go into gaza … to stop the kassams landing in Sderot, for instance. And, instead, had to worry about the 8000 isolated Jews; who did more to protect the infrastucture in gaza, that just anything else.

    Today, it is different.

    Will the West Bank also have a “land give-away?” I don’t think Olmert has the votes.

    But there’s not going to be any repairs, if the politicians are only out for themselves. And, they use every opportunity to be EXTORTIONISTS. (The Ben Gurion error of designing the State of Israel along parliamentary lines. And, not the best way, as done for Japan, by the USA. WHen our own model of Constitution is applied.) But this isn’t going to change, soon.

    Meanwhile, I credit both Arik Sharon, and Olmert. It seems while Shimon Peres was talked of “as #2” … Sharon safeguarded the seat for Olmert. Who is a real intellectual. WIth depth. And, a keen understanding of politics. (Or mud wrestling. WHich is a better name for Israeli politics.)

    And, today, the IDF went into Ramallah. And, raided the offices of a “charity.” Disguised as a dairy.

    While haniyah BLUFFS.

    I also think there will be a price to pay if Shalit is not returned soon. OR IF HE’S DEAD. Olmert seems to know just how to apply the pressure; without getting the country in trouble during tourist season. And, with the european anti-semites connected at the hip with the islamofascists.

    Even more amazing, Amir Peretz seems to understand he can’t go out and piss Olmert off in a news interview. While in the old days, that was a typical Labor trick; especially done well by Shimon Peres. Who is very quiet of late.

    By the way, the American First Amendment of Free Speech means you’re gonna hear things you HATE. If it was only a love fest, it wouldn’t signify much. So Harm-ass is more than welcome to its rhetorial posturing. It’s like flatulence. You have it, because it is healthier than not.

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