The reason the IDF is in Gaza

Lawhawk wrote the post I’ve been meaning to write.

The media focus on the fate of Shalit fails to recognize the following:

1) the breach of the Israeli border along Gaza by Islamic terrorists with ties to Hamas with a 300 foot long tunnel;

2) in the ensuing battle, two Israeli soldiers were killed, and Shalit was captured;

3) the incessant missile and rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza by terrorist groups including Hamas, AAMB, PIJ, Fatah, and the PRCs;

4) the kidnapping and murder of at least one Israeli since Shalit was captured;

5) the ongoing refusal of Hamas to recognize Israel and continued calls for Israel’s destruction coming from both Hamas and Fatah;

Read the rest.

I am so stealing this for my podcast this week.

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2 Responses to The reason the IDF is in Gaza

  1. Pingback: Solomonia

  2. Cynic says:

    Has everybody forgotten that some weeks ago there was an attempt to kidnap (not capture) two girls. Now that was before the Gaza Beach business.
    What excuses and euphemisms from the MSM to detract from something planned months ago to heat up the situation.
    Anything to get Rice and the Europeans to squeeze more concessions out of Israel.
    It wasn’t enough that the mess Rice and Wolfensohn made with the Gaza border issue they forced on Sharon has only reinforced Hamas and the gangs so that they could increase the number of rockets being fired into Israel (more than a thousand so far this year) and permit Hamas to build its own army of several thousand thugs to confront Abbas.

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