The post I could not write

Ilyka wrote a post about a topic that left me utterly speechless. Totally creeped out, but utterly speechless. Go over there and see for yourself what horrified me so much that I couldn’t write about it.

No, I’m not kidding.

Go. Read. Actually, much of her post is funny, so don’t be drinking. But go ahead. This is what good friends do for each other: They write the posts that the other can’t.

If I had a horror category, that’s what this post would go under.

And may I say, Ew. Ew to you, Dana Stevens. Just: Ew.

Update: And if you don’t click on the images at the bottom of the post, you will be missing the best part.

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9 Responses to The post I could not write

  1. cond0010 says:




    On the bright side here, I know that if I ever lose my job, I could always apply to be a movie critic at Slate.

    (* ‘Armageddon’ was the BEST movie ever! h’okay? *)

  2. Scott says:

    WTF planet are you blogging from? I couldn’t even get through half that chick nonsense. GOD! I’m so glad my testosterone level has dropped enough at this age (56) to not have to put up with stupid broad BS!

  3. cond0010 says:

    ermmm… Scott?

    I like the stuff you post, but uh… the volume was a bit up on that last post and it is after 10pm…

    We are, after all, at Meryl’s house.

  4. I don’t rightly know why you couldn’t do it, Meryl. Really. Of course, the post was funny, although I fail to see the horror. After all, it’s a fairly typical story: boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy gets castrated for his trouble. What else is new?

    I think I shall look at carrots in another way now. That’s all.

  5. cond0010 says:

    Hey Snoop!

    I think Banana’s would have been better than Carrots – considering the context of the post, of course… ;)

  6. Ain’t it a matter of taste? ;-)

  7. cond0010 says:

    heh, well, banana’s fit in your pocket better… :)

    I better stop now…

  8. Yeah, Meryl’s wrath will descend on this thread soon…

  9. Scott:

    You do not want to mess with me today, not even in jest.

    I’m assuming you were trying to be funny. Because if you weren’t, you’d be in violation of the no-flames rule, and you’d be insulting your host. And let’s just say I don’t take kindly to being insulted.

    That’s one reason why I have an entire category called “Juvenile Scorn.” And another one entitled “Evil Meryl.”

    So I’m pretty sure you were trying to make a joke above.

    It didn’t work very well.

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