You see? There is another way

I know the IDF can’t do this all the time, but they found a way to stop two “ticking bombs” without harming a fly.

Soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces entered the Gaza Strip Saturday morning and arrested two armed Hamas members after besieging a house in the southern Strip, Palestinian eyewitnesses reported.

[…] Palestinian sources reported that a special IDF force was operating south of the Sufa crossing, east of Rafah. The Palestinians reported that the force advanced hundreds of meters into the Palestinian Authority territory.

That’s the AP version. Now to hear Ynet’s version:

Military sources noted that during the operation, which was named “Desert Storm,” not one gunshot was fired. The sources claimed that the Palestinians exaggerated in their report that the detainees’ father was in need of medical treatment after IDF soldiers beat him during the operation.

“Naturally, when operating in a bid to arrest wanted terror suspects inside a house, there is need to neutralize any threat, but this definitely does not mean hurting anyone beyond the arrest,” an IDF source said.

Many of the operation’s details were not cleared for publication, but the operation was comprised of two prominent elements: Intelligence activities and a high-quality ground operation.

I know it’s impossible to hope for all operations to go this smoothly. But the IDF can get the bad guys without killing civlians or getting their troops hurt or ambushed. It falls under the heading of “Better than you.”

So what are the palestinians doing? Sending more rockets into Sderot, of course. But a major attack was prevented, thanks to Israel’s intelligence services, special forces, and the IDF.

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2 Responses to You see? There is another way

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    Of course, the operation required that IDF troops enter the Gaza Strip, after they had promised (or implied a suggestion that they might be thinking about making a promise, which is the same thing to Eurabian diplomats) that filthy Zionist boots would never again profane the holy Palestinian soil of the Gaza Strip.

    Expect to see a circus of condemnation for the next several weeks, rivalling the ones that surrounded Jenin and the Gaza Beach Shell Catching Planting Championship.

  2. Tatterdemalian says:

    And today, the Palis launched a cross-border raid on Israel, shooting and killing as many people as they could and capturing an IDF soldier for “medical treatment” (usually involving removal of the head and repeated sectioning of the body).

    Get your betting pools started on when CNN will declare these raids “morally equivalent.” I’ll put five bucks on 1:00 pm CDT.

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