PC(USA) does the right thing

Solly has several link-filled posts describing the last two days of the Presbyterian General Assembly matters.

First, he was liveblogging the vote that rescinded the call for divestiture from Israel (way cool graphic of the vote tally). Read the whole thing, and raise a glass in honor of the victory.

Today, Solly’s post is on the Presbyterians accepting a resolution that condemns all suicide bombings, without the loathesome “resistance to occupation” exception.

Below is the resolution they passed. Note that the committee in charge of the Middle East issues proposed this resolution after passing it amongst themselves. If I’m reading this correctly, the General Assembly voted it down in the original form, added a condemnation of “terrorism” (the changes are shown in bold brackets below) and then passed the resolution. This may be slightly problematic as “terrorism” in this context also includes “state-sponsored” terrorism, but this strikes me as a nit-pick at this point and I may be overly cynical on that point. This is a striking resolution for this denomination to pass.

Excellent news for us, terrible news for our pals in Sabeel.

And thank you, Solly, for doing the work so I don’t have to.

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One Response to PC(USA) does the right thing

  1. Solomon says:

    You are most welcome. This really was a most welcome and positive happening.

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