HR 4681

The House of Representatives is voting today on whether to cut aid to the Hamas-controlled Palesitnian Authority:

The House votes Tuesday to further choke off the flow of U.S. aid to the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority, drawing the displeasure of the Bush administration and dividing the pro- Israel lobbying community.

The measure, expected to pass easily, would cut off aid to non-governmental groups working in the West Bank and Gaza except for health programs and would deny visas to members of the Palestinian Authority.

It also would ban contacts with Hamas because of its classification as a terrorist organization and limit the president’s authority to waive the aid bans.

The HR 4681 bill appears to have passed with the usual suspects (Jim McDermott, Cynthia McKinney, John Conyers, Nick Rahall, “Shrimp” Kucinich, Maurice Hinchey, Jim Moran…) siding with the terrorist-controlled Palestinian Authority.

Although it’s nice to see crooks on both sides of the aisle (DeLay of Texas and Jefferson of Louisiana) finding common ground here.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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4 Responses to HR 4681

  1. Pingback: This Blog Is Full Of Crap

  2. Joel says:

    No surpise that lunatic Pete Stark and Ron Paul (Stark D Ca., Paul R. Tex.) voted no.

  3. Ron Paul’s rampant fiscal xenophobia is independent of any antisemitic tendencies he might possibly have.

  4. Gary Rosen says:

    What does “fiscal xenophobia” have to do with Paul’s vote? This was a measure to *cut* spending.

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