Window cat wars

I think my cats are a lot dumber than I thought. This evening, Gracie was sitting in the picture window, looking something like this:

Gracie in the picture window

Tig was outside. All of a sudden, Gracie leaped through the blinds and out of the window, hissing. I ran to look, saw that she was okay, and opened the door to see what I could see. And saw Tig, standing on his hind legs, looking really pissed into the window. I called him, he came inside, and he and Gracie went nose to nose and then turned to go grab something to eat after this extremely trying ordeal.

So I think what happened was this: Tig looked inside his apartment and saw Gracie, but did not recognize her. Gracie, on her part, saw Tig, and may have recognized him or not, but she wasn’t going to stand around and wait to be attacked by a much bigger, angry kitty. So she ran.

Sarah says they’re not stupid, that they just couldn’t smell each other to tell if they were pals or not. I dunno. They have been together for eight years. You’d figure they know each other by sight by now.

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4 Responses to Window cat wars

  1. Piper and Nardo have been together for eight years, and they still have frequent issues with each other.

    It’s always amusing to hear Piper’s cuddly purr suddenly stop when Nardo crosses in front of her on the bed. Her tail goes from a constantly-bending sinuous snake-like creature to a simply-curled whip of rage.

  2. Yes, but Tig and Gracie have been raised as siblings, and don’t really fight. Tig beats her up, because he wants to play and she never does. Well, and there’s that alpha male thing going on, too.

    Usually, they’re quite happy and nice to each other. It never fails to make me smile to watch them head towards the food dishes in unison.

  3. Rahel says:

    Lovely picture of Gracie! Thanks.

  4. chsw says:

    The obvious answer is that you have two near-sighted cats. You will have to insert (and remove) cat contacts in both Tig and Gracie every day.



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