ABC: Bite me

So let me see if I get this straight. Grey’s Anatomy has been on Sunday nights for its entire run. So I tape it Sunday night because I’m in NJ with family, and don’t get a chance to watch it until I come home Monday night. But I don’t get to it Monday night, but I find out the season finale is going to be on, and it’s going to be two hours. But I make a mistake on when Bush is going to speak, and when the show is on, and as I’m channel-surfing, I suddenly discover that it’s on. The show. But I don’t know if it’s a repeat, because I haven’t yet seen the show from Monday night. So I figure I’ve blown it, and I’m watching the end of the show. But it turns out I was in the middle of the repeat, and the finale was not yet on, but because I have the time all screwed up, I don’t realize until it’s too late to tape any of the shows in their entirety. So I miss the last two episodes of the season.

Because ABC put it on a Monday night.

Because ABC sucks. Because television stations don’t give a shit about their viewers any more, or their viewing habits. 24 was on Monday night, and I’ve been watching that. I had space on a tape all set for Grey’s Anatomy, but ABC screwed me totally. So now, what, I don’t get to see the finale until the rerun airs in August or September?

Thanks a lot, ABC.

Oh, and — bite me.

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8 Responses to ABC: Bite me

  1. Spencer says:

    And to make matters worse there moving it to Thursday’s come fall. It’s a shame that it’s not one of the shows you can watch for free on the ABC website or on iTunes.

  2. Reading this, I am starting to grok these Rabbis who requested that the TV screens be covered by plastic ;-)

  3. The Doctor says:

    With all due respect:

    Not only was this schedule information known [I had my VCR programmed a week in advance] but they even used filler from Sunday night’s episode so that the [extremely well publicized] Monday night finale would start on time for those who record and not be delayed 18 minutes by the president’s speech.
    ABC is guilty of many things, but they can’t be blamed for people not looking at the schedules which were published WAY in advance…

  4. Yes. And I didn’t say they didn’t publicize it.

    My main point is that this show has been on Sunday nights for its entire run. I have Sunday nights booked for Grey’s Anatomy. Not Mondays.

    I had a lot of things going on Monday, including a 375-mile drive, and the third-to-last 24. ABC screwed me over by virtue of not keeping Grey’s Anatomy on the night it was scheduled to be.

  5. James Curran says:

    FOX, on the other hand, did a great job of immediately updating their published schedule for Bush’s speech — So that my DVR knew automatically that 24 would start at 9:20 and not 9PM. (CBS wasn’t so accomidating, so I missed most of both “How I met Your Mother” and “Old CHristine”.

  6. Elmira Viking says:

    Gray’s Anatomy ??!! You couldn’t have missed much. I hate the show.

  7. Ryan Frank says: might be able to help you out here.

  8. Kav says:

    I would like to say “Life sucks, deal with it”, but having lived in the US and had to contend with the capricious whims of the TV stations I have to agree with Meryl that the TV stations don’t give a toss about their viewers.

    Admittedly The Doctor is correct in as much as it probably was well advertised and scheduled so it is hard to lay blame at ABC’s feet, but why did they have to move it in the first place?

    Was it some sort of careful plan to try and boost viewing numbers on different nights? I don’t know, but from my experience they always liked to move things around for whatever reason.

    I’m glad I’m back in the UK. There may be less channels but at least I know that things are going to be consistent! Oh, except Dr. Who which they keep bumping backwards and forwards by 15 minutes on Saturday nights.

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