Kids say the darnedest things

First, you have to go over to Sarah’s and read this description of our afternoon/evening of dinner and Buckaroo Banzai. Pay close attention to the final three paragraphs.

Cut to: Phone conversation with Sarah, who relays a scene from today. Main characters: Nate and Jake, eldest sons, and Sarah. The scene: Boys come up to Mom.

“Mom, ask us when we’re going to have dinner.”
“Ask us when we’re going to have dinner!”
“Okay. When are we going to have dinner?”
[Nate and Jake in unison] “REAL SOON!” [arm pumping motion]

Sarah told me it’s one of her proudest moments as a mom. I get that. Years ago, another friend of mine simply had to show off his daughter’s recent artwork from school. The project was to make a clay snowman. Carolyn had made several small ones instead of one big one, and they were all different. “She made Snow Goons,” Earle said proudly. (We’re all Calvin and Hobbes fans here.) And my brother was extremely proud when his son started quoting “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World,” a family favorite for decades.

Have you got any proud parent moments you’d like to share?

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One Response to Kids say the darnedest things

  1. The Doctor says:

    Moment when I knew 6-year old daughter had been paying attention to bedtime stories [when told to eat her vegetables]:

    “You treat me like I’m Harry Potter and you’re the Dursleys!”

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