Tonight’s Lost episode

Okay. I can only say three things:

I did NOT see that coming.

Whoa. I didn’t see THAT coming.


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6 Responses to Tonight’s Lost episode

  1. Eric J says:

    Bluh. Wugga. Meep?

  2. The Doctor says:

    I guess the writers really really don’t like drunk driving…

  3. Yeah, now we know why they got drunk, too.

  4. The Doctor says:

    Zero tolerance, folks.

  5. scottage says:

    Yeah, no doubt, probably they went on a bender together after they heard they were getting cancelled. Did you see the commercial? And the book? Great stuff happening in Lost, best show on TV.

  6. Mara says:


    Also, have you heard about the Lost Experience? Did you see the Hanso ad?

    They’re going somewhere with this. Either that, or they’re desperately trying to get me to waste my time – and they’re spending far too much money doing so.

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