How To Steal A Toy (by Nardo The Cat)

Nardo vs. The Yellow Mousey

The mousey never had a chance.

So, Meryl, where’s Tig and Gracie?

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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3 Responses to How To Steal A Toy (by Nardo The Cat)

  1. Hey. I go to synagogue on Friday nights, Lair, and tonight happened to be the night second grade led services, so there was a dinner, to which all teachers are invited. I generally go to those dinners. So I went from work to home for a few minutes, then to synagogue for the dinner, then there were services, then the oneg, which I usually stay until close to ten. And since Rabbi Koller, my former co-editor of the synagogue newsletter was there, I stayed a bit later because I like talking to him. Oh, and I had to play with the baby who wouldn’t stop smiling and pointing at me and insisting I come over and play with her (Sophie, if you must know, and boy, did she like me!), plus showing one of my former students that Ms. Yourish knows how to play paper football, and play it well, and then there was the mingling with the various and sundry people, and by the time I got home, it was time to watch the last hour of the Daytime Emmy Awards (they did a medley of Little Shop of Horrors, and two of the three singers were from MY soap! Woohoo!), and, well — I was busy. Almost too busy to use punctuation in that last sentence.

  2. Catnabbit says:

    The mouse didn’t even put up a fight or try to run away! Are you sure it was a mouse and not a chicken?

  3. scottage says:

    Funny thing is I have a video from when I was in Tanzania of these two mother lions teaching four cubs to hunt a pack of wildebeasts. You would be surprised at the similarities in movements between your pictures and my video. The lineage is definitely there; my compliments to Nardo, King of the Living Room.

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