More Muslim persecution of Christians

Interestingly, in a town without a single Christian, palestinian Muslims have found a way to persecute Christians. Of course, this is a phenomenon that Jews have seen throughout the ages. But it’s a new twist to see it in a Muslim town. And, oh yeah — so much for that much-vaunted Muslim tolerance of other faiths. They want the YMCA in a town that is now all-Muslim shut down.

Islamic religious leaders in this city have signed a petition calling on the new Hamas cabinet to shut down the local YMCA under the pretext that it is involved in “missionary activities.” The Hamas-controlled municipality has expressed its support for the call.

The campaign against the YMCA began earlier this week when arsonists set fire to some of its offices.

[…] The petition against the YMCA was signed by Sheikh Salah Eddin Sabri, the mufti of Kalkilya, more than 40 mosque imams, representatives of the municipality and clan leaders and officials from various Islamic institutions.

“The presence of such an organization in Kalkilya will create many problems and spread dissension,” they wrote. “How can there be such an organization in a city which does not even have one Christian living in it?”

Residents of the city told The Jerusalem Post the campaign against the YMCA had been initiated by local Hamas leaders. “We want the YMCA here,” said Ahmed Nazzal, a high school teacher. “The presence of such organizations in the city will only benefit the young people. Not everyone here agrees with Hamas’s drive to kick out the YMCA.”

Hey. You elected them. You knew they stood for Islamic law over civil law. Now it’s time to pay the piper, and don’t be surprised if the pipe is included in the bill.

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3 Responses to More Muslim persecution of Christians

  1. Isn’t it odd how accusations of Jews infiltrating Christian organizations to control them come out, but the Vatican rep in Jerusalem parrots PLO talking-points to the syllable?

    I call it the Islamic Mirror Effect. Anything their wild conspiracy theories accuse the West and the Jews of doing, they’re likely doing themselves.

  2. Joel says:

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for a scathing NY Times editorial on the subject unless (and I have faith that the Times can pull it off) it can be twisted to blame Israel and the comatose Ariel Sharon.

  3. Aaron says:

    Thanks for posting this article, people need to know about this.

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