This is why people think I’m crazy

So, when you get that random high-pitched tone in your ear every so often, is that, like, feedback from a microphone-type tone, or is it a “testing, onetwothree” tone? Or is it just your eardrum rebooting itself?

Maybe it’s all three.

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14 Responses to This is why people think I’m crazy

  1. Just ears ringing.

    I get it all the time when I am tired.

  2. The Doctor says:

    Technically speaking it’s your alien controller trying to send you a mental fax…

  3. Teshuvah says:

    Some people hear ear tones before a big earthquake. It would not necessarily have to be in your area. Lots of people hear them. See Insight to the mystery of Ear Tones prior to Earthquakes – how they occur and why

    “Ear Tones heard around the world

    The precursory emissions to large earthquakes can generate ear tones in sensitives around the world. The reason is due to the very strong energy of the emissions – or precursors to the pending earthquake. Sensitives are able to learn the tonal characteristics, phasing, modulation – for regions around the world – using the most impressive signal processing systems ever created – the human brain. The earth’s crust acts as a waveguide to this energy to pipe it around the globe. Detection sensors use this fact to detect emissions at the earth’s surface using ‘skin effect’ similar to RF waveguide designs.”

    When mankind sins greatly, G_d sends judgment through so-called “natural” events like earthquakes, Floods, etc. The truth is fallen in the street MSM and requires His intervention.

  4. The Doctor says:

    Uh huh.

  5. Li'l Mamzer says:

    It’s your Zionist Conspiracy Handler trying to get through on your internal call-waiting.
    That’s the way it is with me, anyway.

  6. -C says:


    It’s tinnitus, BUT DON’T FREAK OUT!

    Almost everyone gets episodes like this occasionally, mine are either that high pitch whine or a low roar. It has no medical impact- you aren’t losing your hearing or anything.

    My pet theory is that it is the inner ear ‘recalibrating’ itself… basically running a diagnostic sequence.

    The reason I think such a silly thing is that I went into an anechoic chamber once- it’s a room with no background noise and NO echoes. The only thing I could hear was that high pitched whine (my nervous system) and the low, stormy roar (turned out to be my blood circulating!)

    I’ve been told that cutting down on caffine makes those episodes go away. FWIW…

  7. Steve says:

    Further on what #6 (-C) said (dang – great opportunity for a “I am not a number – I ama free man!” quote, but I digress). I had that for years; never bothered diagnosing it. Eventually it developed into a full time ringing (the high pitch tone variety) and an audiologist and ENT figured out I have – ta dah – tinnitus (also high frequency hearing loss and I can’t follow conversations when there is a lot of background noise, like at a Bnai Mitzvah reception). I am pretty sure prolonged exposure to the noise in data centers did me in. I’m mostly used to it now, but initially and sometimes when it is bad, it was more than just annoying.

    If it persists or you think you may get regular exposure to loud sounds at work or home, a hearing test by an ENT or audiologist who works with tinnutus patients may be a good idea.

  8. Oh, I already know I have tinnitus. I’ve had it since the first time I seriously tried to quit smoking. I figure I got TMJ from chewing gum.

    And in spite of the tinnitus, I have superb hearing. People should not whisper in my presence if they don’t want me to hear them. They should move out of the room.

  9. The Doctor says:

    Just don’t start having vertigo with it…not only would that be Meniere’s Disease, but you’d have to deal with Jimmy Stewart in a tower…

  10. Teshuvah says:

    As an addition to my #3 above, there was a large quake, M7.7 today per USGS.

    2006/04/20 23:25 M 7.7 KORYAKIA, RUSSIA Z= 43km 61.09N 167.10E …
    A magnitude 7.7 earthquake IN KORYAKIA, RUSSIA has occurred at:
    61.09N 167.10E Depth 43km Thu Apr 20 23:25:05 2006 UTC

    More info at USGS

    So Meryl may have had an ear tone for this quake. Also at the location of the P103 line, when it meets another faultline, more earthquake activity can occur within 2 weeks from the originating one. See the P103 seismic wave line here. I predict further earthquake activity in the Wellington, New Zealand area within two weeks.

  11. Well, damn. What good is having a superpower if you don’t know it, or understand it?

    Here I had the ringing in my ear this morning around eleven, and twelve hours later, boom! There go the Russkies.

    They probably deserved it for pledging ten mil to Hamas.

  12. Teshuvah says:

    Actually the P103 shows where the NEXT quakes are most likely to be, which are on that P103 line, also the P140 and the antipode (opposite place on earth). This is up to 2 weeks and where it crosses another faultline as it does in NZ which is on the West side of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

    The P103 goes through Wellington, NZ which is the capitol of NZ. PM Helen Clarke pledged $500,000 to the Palestinians which no doubt will go to buy arms. The last time she came against Jerusalem and broke off diplomatic relations with Israel, the Most High sent a rainstorm and dropped 250 ml (almost 10 inches) of rain within 48 hours on the spot where she spoke, causing a massive FLOOD and millions of dollars of damage.

    Ps 105:7 He is the LORD our God: his judgments are in all the earth.

    Pr 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

    Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

    May God protect the righteous and know the difference between who is on His side and who is not.

  13. Rahel says:

    Watch that ear, Meryl. Israel sits right on top of a fault line.

    Seriously: I hope your ear feels better soon!

  14. For years I believed the noise was produced by electrical wiring. I don’t know where I got the idea, just that occasionally there would be this high-pitched whining noise, and I got the idea somehow that the buildings around me were producing it.

    Then I learned about tinnitus, which is less interesting.

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