Muslims desecrate Jewish holy site

Say, remember the much-vaunted Muslim respect for other religions’ holy sites? Turns out, not so much.

Unknown vandals desecrated the tomb of talmudic sage Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, shattering iron bars at the entrance to the structure and setting it alight.

Located in the Israeli Arab village of Kafr Kana, just west of the Golani junction, the tomb is the final resting place of one of the most prominent rabbis of the talmudic era. It consists of a small stone building, which stands over an underground burial cave.

The entrance to the site and the sign hanging over it were partially blackened by smoke as a result of the fire that was set, and mounds of garbage were strewn nearby.

[…] Workers will be sent to the site on Sunday to repair the damage, the official told the Jerusalem Post, adding that the tomb has been the target of regular attacks by local Arabs, often as frequently as twice a month.

In October 2000, the tomb was set ablaze by local Arabs, causing extensive damage to the site.

Sure. Let’s let ’em have the Temple Mount back. Because they’ve got such a great history of maintaining Jewish holy sites.


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3 Responses to Muslims desecrate Jewish holy site

  1. Every time a Jewish holy site gets vandalizes, a mosque in Israel needs to get knocked down and its building materials used as part of the construction of the Separation Barrier.

    Symbolic, but effective.

  2. Robert says:

    Honestly I think that Dome of the Rock needs to be bulldozed. Then we can start rebuilding the Temple!

  3. Michael Lonie says:

    The Muslim Foundation, or Waqf, that maintains the mosques at the Temple Mount is doing its level best to destroy them. They have been conducting illegal excavations inside the mount in order to destroy any possible archaeological sites there, which they fear would provide more evidence for Jewish presence in Jerusalem in ancient times, a fact Arab spokesliars continually deny. The south wall already has a bulge visible in air photos. The next hundred year rain is liable to cause a landslide there that will bring down the mosques. Israel will get the blame of course, although the Waqf has ignored repeated Israel demands that it stop its illegal excavations.

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