
Let’s take a quick look around the world, shall we?

Hamas moderation watch/EU stupidity watch: Italy’s new premier decided that one of the first things his administration would do is call the leader of a terrorist organization and tell Al-Jazeera that he thinks Hamas is making “openings,” which, presumably, is his word for “moderation.” Some of his countrymen are none too pleased.

Jack Straw does it again: First, he says he wants normal relations with Hamas. Then he said that’s not what he meant. Meantime, Moscow, Norway, Turkey, Venezuela, and South Africa are going to or have hosted Hamas visits. No surprises there, really.

Anti-Semitic chants at a soccer game: How unsurprising. The twist: The player being insulted isn’t even Jewish. He just has a Jewish-sounding name.

Yeah, sure: An Arab MK says that Hamas is going to adopt the 2002 Saudi peace initiative — the one that Abdullah pulled out of his drawer (not drawers) while Tom Friedman was in the room. Shyeah, right, they’re going to adopt that one. Liar.

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2 Responses to Briefs

  1. Kai Jones says:

    The twist: The player being insulted isn’t even Jewish. He just has a Jewish-sounding name.

    So, Jews are the new gay?

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Well,FIFA recently condemned Israel for tossing a missile onto an unoccupied soccer field (curiously, when rockets land on Israeli soccer fields FIFA was unmoved) and suggested it might sanction Israel for it.

    So I expect FIFA will not only strongl condemn the Chilean fans but will take stern measures against them. Just you wait…any day now…be sure and keep us posted, Meryl.

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