Sami al-Arian pleads guilty

He says he’s doing it to win his freedom. But you don’t plead guilty if you’re innocent.

What the former University of South Florida computer science professor did do, however, was publicly admit for the first time that he aided associates of a terrorist group.

By pleading guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Arian acknowledged helping three known associates of the group with various nonviolent activities and repeatedly lying about what he knew.

As a result, Al-Arian likely will serve several more months in prison, then be deported to an undetermined country.

In a statement, the U.S. Justice Department, including Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, hailed the agreement as the result of years of investigative and prosecutorial effort.

Say buh-bye, Sami.

Once he’s out of prison, he’s out of the country. He is being deported.

I guess this wasn’t just a freedom of speech issue, after all.

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3 Responses to Sami al-Arian pleads guilty

  1. How long before he’s lecturing at Al-Quds University?

  2. He won’t go back to the terrortories. He’s gotten used to the good life in the USA. Watch for him to set up a comfortable life in Egypt.

  3. Alan Furman says:

    Al-Azhar, then.

    Expect IED detonators running Linux.

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