American Christians have the wrong target

Christopher Johnson illustrates what some American Christian organizations are spending most of their time and money on.

The Jerusalem Post notes that some on the Christian left would like Europe and the United States not to cut off funds to the Palestinian entity now that Hamas, a group dedicated to Israel’s destruction, has been elected to power there. Samuel Kobia, head of the World Council of Churches Nobody Goes To Anymore, hopes the West will keep scratching checks.

In the meantime, Muslims are murdering Christians in Egypt during Holy Week. Although this has been happening for months, the PC-USA website has no news whatsoever about the persecution of Christians in Muslim lands. They do, however, have lots of information about the “oppression” of the palestinians.

On the other hand, the Pope has been having a lot of conferences lately dealing with exactly that issue: Muslim persecution of Christians in Muslim lands. He has said a few things that Muslim leaders don’t want to hear, and his Cardinals are putting out position papers as well (I forgot to note where I found the link; if anyone knows what I’m talking about, it’s a lengthy paper detailing the Church’s unhappiness with radical Islam).

If one had to make a guess as to why so many Christians are blind to the problems their coreligionists are suffering at the hands of Muslim, instead preferring to focus on the problems of the palestinians, one would have to wonder, indeed. Because of course they will tell you that it has nothing to do with the fact that Israelis are Jews. No, no, it isn’t that. It’s the occupation, you see.

Meantime, Coptic Christians are dying, and it is illegal to be a worshipping Christian in Saudi Arabia. But yes, go ahead, blame it all on the Israeli treatment of palestinians. Because that’s going to stop Muslims from persecuting Christians.


Note: Grouchy Old Yorkie Lady has some good points in her comment. I thought that adding the modifier “some” would be enough, but I’m afraid I have to agree that it seems to be mostly the left-leaning Christian groups that are ignoring Muslim persecution of Christians, and concentrating instead on the Israel/palestinian situation.

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7 Responses to American Christians have the wrong target

  1. cond0010 says:

    Yeah, I’ve seen it Meryl. And thats just the tip of the iceberg too (which you know also).

    There is an immigrant of Russian extraction (and christian) who works in my neighborhood. He lived in Uzebekistan prior to the fall of the Soviet Union. He fled Uzbekistan during the soviet collapse as the muslims were going around the country side killing every Christian they could find. I am sure that being Russian may not have been a good thing either.

    Thankfully, he was able to flee and with the help of his construction Boss (who is Jewish I might add) come to america.

    There is also the Armenian Genocide (which didn’t happen) and the loss of 1/3 of the population of East timor that wasn’t because of religious persecution etc….

    Of course if we talk about one or two muslims being killed due to strife it gets headline news.

    I have an issue with the media and it gets bigger every day. Whats happening to Israel due to the media is the most obvious as it is actively maligned by the media.

  2. jan christian says:

    I coptic christain Please we need protection from muslem hand .they kill us inside the the church and burn the church they kidnape the women and girls.please we cry in the Easter . Jesus help us .

  3. Sabba Hillel says:

    That is why we say at the seder “In every generation …” They are just trying to fulfill their appointed role in the seder.

    Some generations they try to actually kill us. Other times they try to be more subtle. This way they can pretend to have been “moral” and blame the “other guy” for all the death and destruction that they have caused.

  4. For what it’s worth, the “jan christian” IP traces to Australia via APNIC. I cannot attest to its verity.

  5. A small — but important — point. The article you reference makes clear that the Christians in question are on the Christian left. This is a small group of Christians relative to Christians as a whole. And their views with respect to Israel are opposed by many other Christians who are ardent supporters of Israel. (And by “ardent support” I am not talking about evangelism, either.)

    Many Christians and Christian organizations are only too aware of the oppression and persecution of Christians in Muslim countries. But Christians are victims of the current media climate too — the word doesn’t get out the way it should. How many MSM articles did you see about the recent laws passed in Algeria making all Christian mission work illegal and shutting down churches?

    American Christians are a diverse group, and most of us emphatically disagree with the pro-terrorist, anti-Israel views you describe.

  6. DPatten says:

    Please, Don’t place all American Christians in the same basket. Large groups of American Christians, especially evangelicals, are among the most philo-semitic people on earth. Most anti-Israel Christians are the clergy of mainline protestant groups that are in serious decline. (read Presbyterian, Lutheran and Anglican) They have been taken over by the usual suspects from the left.

    Many of us take literally God’s exhortation to Balaam, “Those that bless Israel will be blessed. Those that curse Israel will be cursed.”

    Please don’t paint all American Christians with the same broad strokes.

    My saviour was born, lived and died as a Jewish Rabbi.

  7. Sabba Hillel says:

    Based on the comments, I would say that the ones causing the trouble are those whose real religion is left wing political no matter what they claim the religion might be. That is why you can also find people who claim to be Jews who back the murderers.

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