Repent, sinner

I thought lying is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. But here is the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, Catholicism’s highest-ranking priest, lying through his teeth to reporters.

“There is no persecution of Christians by Muslims,” said Sabbah. “But since there is no authority people take the law into their own hands. Muslims do not oppose Muslims, Muslims do not oppose Christians. But there is a general lack of security.”

Huh. Guess all those stories about palestinian Muslims burning down Christian homes were just examples of the palestinian Muslim non-oppression of their Christian brothers and sisters.

By the way, this moron says that Israel should deal with Hamas with no preconditions. Because everything is Israel’s fault.

Hey, Pope: Recall movement here?

By the way, Reuters has chosen today to release a feature about Christian oppression by Muslim palestinians.

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3 Responses to Repent, sinner

  1. One day, when he is no logner useful, they will come for him.

    If he flees in time, I’m sure he’ll be shrieking his rants against the Jews from the Vatican. And none of his fellow priests will tell him to shut up.

  2. Chris L. says:

    This of course isn’t the first time that Sabbah has run his mouth off. He has ranted on before about “occupation” as the root of all evil and the building of the wall.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Yes, well, when I lived in Israel from 1973-75 Bethlehem was eighty percent Christian. Today I think it’s about twenty percent and the ones who have left haven’t moved elsewhere in the territories.

    Since there’s no opppression of Christians by Muslims, it must be those dreadful Israeli checkpoints that persuaded them to pick up and move from were their ancestors have lived for centuries–just another black mark against the Israelis.

    I’m sure if there was persecution against Christians in Arab countries the Catholics, the Episcopalians, and the Presbyterians whose sensibilites are so disturbed by Israel would be responding.

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