As far as you can throw them

Saudi Arabia joined the World Trade Organizaion 6 months ago. Part of the agreement to join was that they would drop all boycotts and treat all fellow members of the WTO equally. This meant dropping the boycott against Israel and working to end the Arab League boycott of Israel.

They promised President Bush that they would do all of this, which was a blatant and obvious lie:

The U.S. Congress passed on Wednesday a unanimous decision calling on President George W. Bush to urge Saudi Arabia to abide by its commitment to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and stop its support of the Arab boycott against Israel.

The Saudi pledge to end the economic boycott on Israel was America’s condition for permitting the Middle Eastern country into the WTO.

In addition, the Saudis were notified some six months ago of their legal obligation to grant preference to WTO members, including Israel.

Saudi Arabia complied, and Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal gave Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice his word that he would act against the Arab boycott. However, the Saudis have not followed through on their commitment and in the meantime have even hosted an annual conference of Muslim organizations responsible for enforcing the boycott.

Kinda makes you wonder what other promises and laws this man has ignored or broken.

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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6 Responses to As far as you can throw them

  1. Jack says:

    I don’t trust the Saudis any farther than I can throw them.

  2. RedTigress says:

    That is completely disgusting. It’s high time Bush and Condi kick them out of the WTO. They obviously and blatantly thumb their nose at their obligations! >:(

  3. Li'l Mamzer says:

    And no one saw this coming?

  4. jonny says:

    I’m shocked I tell ya. Shocked!

  5. chsw says:

    Perhaps Condi, Rummy and Dub can talk to the Saudis about their joint nuke progam with Egypt.


  6. Robert says:

    I think we should stop funding Egypt, the Saudis and any other country that supports the boycott of Israel.

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