Cooling California

Saw this Reuters headline:

California aims to limit emissions of gases

And immediately thought, “They’re going to limit Oscar acceptance speeches?”

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5 Responses to Cooling California

  1. Want to speed up the Oscars?

    Dump the playing of the musical awards, score and original piece. Huge waste of time to play them in their entirety. The dance numbers are always ridiculous and badly choreographed.

    If this is all meant as a commercial for DVD and ticket sales, then the Academy will want to feature the acting performances as well as the films, not the music.

    That leaves a lot of time for the speeches.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    California aims to limit emissions of gases

    And immediately thought, “They’re going to limit Oscar acceptance speeches?”

    I think that they intend to limit political speech by Hollywood actors.

  3. Patti says:

    I thought right away of the Governator…

  4. Robert says:

    HEll, cancel the Oscars!!!! That would lower those gas emissions!!!!

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