A balanced BBC analysis?

Yes, really. For the most part, this BBC analysis of the current Israeli situation is — dare I say it — fair and balanced. Oh, there are the usual slaps against Israel, but they are minor, and the author even points out that the pals have elected a terrorist group to lead them.

There is little expectation of any progress towards a negotiated two-state solution – especially since Palestinians voted for a Hamas government in January, and the militant organisation does not even acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.

There is also the acknowledgement that the cessation of terror is an obligation that the pals have not fulfilled.

Palestinian officials, who oppose any withdrawal that entails consolidating Jewish settlements, may find there is little they can do to stop it – especially if their obligations under the international peace plan known as the roadmap, such as disarming militant groups, remain unfulfilled.

Look at this: It’s practically balanced!

Kadima says the ball is now in the Palestinians’ court to implement its obligations – otherwise the border-drawing will start without them.

The Palestinians’ only hope is that the rest of the world will baulk at forcing them to make – as they see it – further territorial compromises, beyond an acceptance of the West Bank and Gaza as their future state.

Wow. What’s happening to the BBC?

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4 Responses to A balanced BBC analysis?

  1. russ says:

    of course, they did have to throw this nonsense in:

    “Part of this land has already been annexed by Israel – East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights – although this move contravenes international law…”

    Conventional wisdom trumps truth once again.

  2. J. Lichty says:

    Wow. What’s happening to the BBC?

    C’mon its so simple, but even I didn’t know the answer until a couple weeks ago. The Jews control the media. Oh, no look out for the Lobbbbbbbbbeeeeeee.

  3. saus says:

    Hi Meryl.. I can tell you what’s going on in my mind. BBC Governors’ Impartiality Review commissioned last year to in depthly examine BBC Mid East coverage and specifically Israel coverage is due any time now. This study was comissioned following the scathing UK Govt attack on the BBC re Iraq reporting which resulted in a high level BBC resignation.

    The BBC mandate / charter is up for long term renewal, hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars may be at stake. The BBC needs to be on best behaviour for the next little bit as this study due in April I believe will be an absolute lightning rod. I’d wager the BBC head honchos have even seen inside the report and are already on pre-emption mode. That’s my theory..
    Call me a conspiracist, but the BBC is imho a cold & calculating propaganda outfit.

  4. jonny says:

    The BBC are mildly better than CNN (international edition) these days.

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