This week’s podcast

This week’s edition of Shire Network News is up, and as usual, it’s a good one. Bruce has an excellent eye for picking the news stories and interview subjects that keep you listening. (And I’m not saying that because I’m now part of the podcast.)

Go read the post I linked to, and if you still don’t want to listen to the podcast, well, you’re hopeless.

You don’t need an iPod to listen. If you have Windows Media Player or any other program that plays MP3s on your computer, you’re good to go.

Why else should you listen to the podcast? Because every week, I write an essay specifically for SNN that does not get posted here. This week’s topic: The Dubai Ports deal, and whether or not Americans are bigoted against Muslims, with a deconstruction of the Washington Post/ABC poll numbers.

Go. Listen. Subscribe. We want Bruce to get popular enough so that he gets hired by an American radio station, so he and I can go out for dinner on International Eat an Animal for PETA Day. It’s tough commuting between hemispheres.

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One Response to This week’s podcast

  1. "Tom Paine" says:

    I’ve heard Rush Limbaugh, and I reckon I can take him…

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