And now there are 594 stories

On the Google News aggregator, that is.

Here’s one.

Israeli television on Saturday showed footage of a bearded Habibi being escorted by police with a large bandage covering an injured eye, the result of a scuffle with angry worshippers.

Late Saturday, a judge extended the family’s detention by 15 days. At the hearing, the parents said they meant no harm, had no hate for Christians or Muslims and merely sought to draw attention to their plight. Haim Habibi said authorities had recently placed three of his children into foster care.

“I am deeply sorry. I am not against anyone,” a sobbing Violet Habibi said. “I hope we will be forgiven. Please.”

But participants in Saturday’s rally dismissed such explanations.

“The Israeli institution is trying to explain the aggression by saying that anyone who did this is mentally unstable,” said Ramez Jaraisah, Nazareth’s Christian mayor. “We refuse to accept any excuse for this criminal act.”

How very — Christian of you.

Yet again, we see how no matter what, Israel is vilified. No matter what, Israel is at fault. And the next suicide bombing? Ten to one they’re going to try to say it’s in “revenge” for attacks on the church. Which, ah, wasn’t attacked. Throwing firecrackers is stupid, noisy, and rather insane — but no one died. Yet. Give them time to riot a little more, and you’ll probably see something like the Danish Mohammed cartoon riots — where the deaths involved were those of Muslims who were, well, rioting.

Gotta love this little mud-fling by the AP:

The emotional reaction to the attack on the Basilica of the Annunciation reflected the fragile status of Israel’s Arab minority, which has long claimed it suffers discrimination at the hands of the Jewish majority.

How about the persecution of the Arab world’s Christians by Muslims? Say, why do you think it is that the majority of America’s Arab population is Christian? Coincidence?

I think not.

But this is another lash of the whip that will be used to flog Israel. Watch for a UN resolution to come out of this from the General Assembly. I wouldn’t be surprised.

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2 Responses to And now there are 594 stories

  1. Paul M says:

    These would be the same Christians who attacked Israel because the Muslims wanted to build a mosque near the Church of the Annunciation, and are now demonstrating their gratitude that the government nixed that project.

    To heck with firecrackers. This calls for some of Snoopy’s laser-guided gefilte fish.

  2. Cynic says:

    After Arafat and his thugs massacred more than 500 Christians of the town of Damour in Lebanon in 1976 there was not a peep from the Christians of the region, the Vatican nor the Anglican Church.
    To demonstrate their contempt for the Christians of Lebanon Vatican Bishop Hilarion Capucci was caught smuggling arms and explosives in his black Vatican Mercedes for the PLO.
    What upset the Vatican was that Israel jailed him.
    Actually the rape of Lebanon in the 70s by the PLO and Syria which brought about the death and destruction of thousands of families demonstrated the hypocrisy at play.
    The mayor’s cheek seems to show that he has forgotten how the shopkeepers and restuarant owners of Nazareth cried when Israeli Jews stopped frequenting their establishments after they initially participated in Arafat’s 2000 intifada.
    Maybe they should go and live in Bethlehem or Taibe under the PA and feel ‘happier’.

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