Anti-Semitism in Tajikistan: The Iranian connection

I’ve been telling you about Tajikistan, a mostly Muslim state, destroying its last synague in order to make room for a new presidential palace. Yes, it’s another example of how other religions will be treated under the rule of the Religion of Tolerance(TM). Now, however, anti-Semitism in Uzbekistan has turned deadly.

Judith Apter Klinghoffer points out that last week, a rabbi was murdered. The community says it was anti-Semitism — he was hit over the head, but not robbed.

Judith also links to a report that says Iran is stirring anti-Jewish activities in Uzbekistan. If this is true, this would point to the worst case of state anti-Semitism since the 1930s and 40s. If this is true, Iran is truly walking down the same path that Hitler walked.

I am not disinclined to believe this. Iran has proven again and again how many of their people hate the Jews. Iran has refused aid from Israel during earthquakes. Iran is sponsoring a Holocaust denial conference, and leading the charge of Holocaust denial as a response to anything they perceive as anti-Islam. Then there’s the little matter of Iran’s president promising to wipe Israel off the map.

The signs are there. Jews are the first targets of the totalitarians. We are being targeted all over the world. And the impetus behind the targeting: Iran’s support.

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